Affordable Small Wedding Venue

Te Atatu South - Auckland


PLEASE READ Venue Hireage & Celebrant Service Conditions

The venue is part of a residential property. You agree there will be no food, alcohol, drugs or smoking in or around the venue premises (it is not a commercially licences facility).

My role is to write a simple ceremony, guide you on getting the marriage licence, liaise with you right up to your day, officiate your marriage on the day, provide the small venue.

Your booking is strictly a short wedding ceremony. Videoing, livestreaming and Go Pros are welcome. Your music list will be played via Spotify playlists with bluetooth speaker provided. Bathroom/toilet inside venue.

The Ceremony is a maximum of 20 minutes (including licence signing and photos). Guests can arrive 15 minutes prior when the venue doors will be opened (no sooner as there may be a wedding booked prior to your one) and start times must be adhered to. 

I can only allow a 20 minute delay on start time due to other bookings straight after. Maximum of 15 people in the venue (includes Celebrant, couple at the front, one photographer and 12 seated - there is minimal space up front for a bridal party). Any extras unfortunately have to wait outside.

The venue is not to be altered in any way (please notify your photographer or videographer of this and the minimal space and must be included in the 15 maximum mentioned above). 

The agreed fee for your wedding and my services does not include the Marriage Licence and Marriage Certificate. These are applied for online, separately with Births Deaths Marriages (Internal Affairs NZ).

Please place a Google Business or Facebook Review after ceremony so others can be assured of the great service provided - thank you.


  1. Any damage found to the furniture, walls, carpets stains from petals etc, bathroom area, wedding arch, removing or damaging decor, vehicle leaks on our driveway.

  2. Being late more than 20 minutes after your start time AND/OR wanting to stay longer than the allocated 35 minutes in total to continue taking photos. Please be in control of your makeup artists, limousine driver, family members. Give accurate details on how to find my venue well beforehand, not on the day.

Fill in Agreement and Confirm/Submit Below.